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How Many Guns Did Americans Buy In November 2020? – The Fight For Gun Rights!

ITS TIME! WE DID IT AGAIN! GUYS WE ARE THE BEST EVER AT BUYING GUNS. WE ARE ABSOLUTELY BAR NONE THE BEST AT IT. The FBI background check numbers for November are in and we are gonna break them down, after … wait you know what this is going to be a short video, so instead of putting a promo here, just do me a favor and share this with some of your friends and family to let them know whats up. Whether you’re watching on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, Instagram page or even our website, theguncollective.com, just go ahead and share it with some folks. I want as many people as possible to see these numbers.

Welcome back to the gun collective, my name is Jon Patton and you are watching the fight for gun rights. Every month the FBI releases the number of background checks they performed and the November numbers are in. Before we go any farther, its important to note that these are not a 1 to 1 representation of gun sales because not every background check is for guns and some background checks are for multiple guns bought at the same time. Also some states don’t use this system. Now, we’ve been doing this for almost the entire year so let’s go ahead and recap shall we? In January, there were 2.7 million background checks. February had 2.8 million, March is where COVID panic buying started with 3.7 million, then April hit 2.9 mil, May 3.1, June, the highest in recorded history at 3.9 million, then July with 3.6 million, August 3.1, September 2.9 mil, October on the rise with 3.3 million and now, we are climbing back up with November coming in at a staggering 3.6 million background checks. ALL of these months, every single one of them is the highest for that month ever. Not only that but we are now at a yearly total of 35.7 million background checks. HOLY crap you guys. At this point, we have surpassed the 2019 year total by over 7 million.
Can I get a like on this video for the awesome charts our editor Izzy put together?
Now, as we do, its time to compare these numbers and give them some context. If we look at the monthly total for November 2020, assuming thats close to the number of guns sold, we could arm everyone in Dallas Texas, twice. We could arm everyone in Columbus ohio 4 times over. We could arm Baltimore 6 times over. We could arm everyone in the country of Estonia twice or We could arm everyone in Luxembourg 6 times.
If we look at the yearly total of 35.7 million, we could almost arm everyone in Morocco. We could definitely arm everyone in Saudi Arabia. We could arm Ecuador twice, everyone in Serbia 4 times with some left over or everyone in Croatia 8 times with some left over. No matter how you slice this pie, the numbers are incredible.
Now, the question that comes up the most on these videos is what does this mean for gun owners? Well its very hard to say with the looming threat of democratic control in the Government. What I do know is that ammo companies better turn up the heat and crank even harder so we can all keep shooting.
I want to know what you guys think of all this. Do these numbers really matter in the grand scheme? Will this help us at the polls next time around with so many new gun owners coming into the fold? Did you buy a new gun and become part of these numbers? Sound off in the comments below and lets talk about it.
And that is it for this video guys. After you click the like button, be sure to hit the secret affiliate link down in the description, that would be a massive help for us and of course don’t forget to get subscribed for more gun news every week and as always, thank you all for watching, we’ll see you soon!


  • Jon Woelk says:

    Appreciate the monthly gun sales totals. Americans love their guns. Washington doesn’t represent the America that’s willing to die for their rights. Keep the industry news flowing. Can’t lose our community.

  • John Townes says:

    I have some concerns with President Elect Biden and his VP Elect Harris. First is his plan to create a new license system to buy and retain our property. Second is VP Harris saying she will enact Executive order to control our 2A rights..

  • Isaiah says:

    I work at a retail outdoors store and we are the number one store in firearm sales on average these past couple of months we sale 20-25 guns a day

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