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We just started testing these out and so far the results are really positive. That being said, being able to snag some high quality electronic ear pro with Bluetooth capability at a big discount is never a bad thing. Right now, these are on sale for 35 to 50% off! Can’t beat discounts like that!

GET THEM HERE: https://bit.ly/3e9jPkd

GET THEM HERE: https://bit.ly/3e9jPkd

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of hearing enhancement & protection at the same time?
Most people realize the problems in today’s world of plugging your ears off and not being able to maintain good hearing. Whether it’s shooting, hunting, construction, concerts, mechanics, auto racing, mining, industrial, manufacturing, motorcycles and so many more applications—we need to be able to hear while protecting our ears. AXIL has developed the most advanced electronics and 100% digital technology to create a superior product offering that will simultaneously enhance your hearing to your desired level—whether you have normal hearing or hearing loss—and protect your hearing at the same time. Thanks to modern technology, you can go anywhere and hear what you want to hear while simultaneously blocking out damaging loud sounds. You can be in the worst sound environments and tune all the harsh sounds out while letting in the desirable sounds and even turning them up as you choose, thus allowing you to enjoy your hearing while preserving it.

How will these help me in the outdoors?
Imagine being in the mountains and hearing elk bugling or deer grunting from a mile away. Hearing geese from far away coming on you. All the sounds of nature will come in through perfect stereo surround sound and sound better than ever as with AXIL hearing performance. You will also have the automatic shut off of any loud gunfire or other noises that would otherwise be damaging to your hearing, thereby allowing you to fully enjoy your hearing and experience in the outdoors. If you have mild to severe hearing loss, AXIL hearing performance products will literally give years back to your hearing.

How durable are these? How long will they last?
The AXIL product line is made from medical-grade components and built for the outdoors. They offer excellent durability if you take reasonable care for them. They usually last 6-8 years.

How long does the battery last?
GS Extreme uses a rechargeable lithium battery that provides 12 hours of hearing enhancement & protection and 120 hours of standby time.

How does the automating hearing protection work?
Any sound louder than 85 dB will be blocked out, protecting your ears from sudden loud sounds like gunfire.

Can I use more than one mode at a time?
Absolutely. You can use 1 mode at a time (if you want just Bluetooth audio, just sound enhancement, or just hearing protection), or you can use 2 or even all 3 modes at the same time.

How do I control the different modes?
Your GS Extreme earbuds come with 2 tiny and intuitive control pads attached to the wire. One controls the Bluetooth audio and the other controls hearing protection & enhancement.

How does the 3-year replacement guarantee work?
If anything happens to your earbuds in the first 3 years—ruined in the rain, chewed by your dog, run over by your truck, shot by your gun—we’ll replace it free of charge. No questions asked. You won’t find a guarantee like this for any competing product anywhere.

Are you a US-based company?
Yes, our company is headquartered in Salt Lake City, UT.

How long have you been in business?
Over 60 years and going strong.


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